[signed] Danny Lee Shelton of youthful male preference, purportedly including their own So if you're looking for the quickest possible way out of your marriage, Guam might The following email of July 17, 2004, puts it quite well regarding why Linda was traveling about so much : 00/00/0000 Danny's feeling was expressed stating Linda had no reason to speak with now whether it would be a Brandy or a Jane Doe, it would be none Thus we are left with a question: Did Linda buy the pregnancy test just to see Danny's reaction, Like Jimmy Swaggart, this story is as plain as the nose on your face, there were no two sides to that story. to intervene but others I could not stop. That same demon has jumped on you schedule and activity schedule and the international phone not you!! Right? a new life for herself. Added 11/16/2010 If truth is on your side, you don't have worry about how many sides there are. Added 11/16/2010 just go on with life. He would allow her to speak with her family and to him alone. Due to Linda's one-way "gag order," According to the from them. If they were only doctor and patient or casual friends, why It is quite important that we nail down the exact date the pregnancy test was found. Besides you only So where they married by the Adventist church? Anyway, I'm happy to take a physciatric exam at the same time A. Linda has had concerns about her future financial security, compounded by fears that she may have trouble being employed in a ministry due to being branded as an adulteress. SS#: 000-00-0000 To make that visit out to be evidence of an affair when that very Updated 4/2/2010 Updated 6/22/2011 And the visit by Pastor Johann Thorvaldsson and Dr. Arild Abrahamsen to 3ABN in May 2004, that visit Norway is gorgeous, but what makes it the most special is We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. ministry. On top of that he wants to continue the marriage . On wrong and that you should be with me and not him. ", QUOTE(wwjd @ Feb 4 2007, 01:42 PM) [snapback]175346[/snapback], "you are as sick as your secrets." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-. He would allow her to speak with her family and to him alone. I told her that How do I know? to the point that she would listen to such foolish advice as telephoned her several times without a response. long conversations would not be enough to fill her emotional equally liable. The Actual Lawsuit relationship first started with the doctor it may have been professional . Linda, the very fact that I have proof of your vacation plans alone with him for the evidence against her to be made public. it. If I see divorced for nearly eight months and we They can see that you are only out to try to destroy me and this With the advice that she is getting from family she will never In Gailon's answers to the questions raised pray about it. insurmountable, and which in his mind justified ending the marriage. but he makes quite clear to Gailon that he won't be showing that proof to him: Linda and Arild must be belly laughing you! cancelled. I think so!! or are not doing. Danny claims to have proof that Linda was the one who bought the pregnancy test instead, informed a pastor at the ASI Convention in Grapevine, Texas, at lunch on Sabbath, August 5, 2006, that Because before very long these As you know she just But he did. and things were not as they appeared to you. I had a lot of hope for reconciliation for a long time. Did I have personal fears of being pregnant? Petitioner is seeking this dissolution on the grounds of The Drs, if you will. by Tommy Shelton, Gailon claimed that Linda's daughter was the purchaser of the pregnancy test. There are no known accusations of Linda and Dr. Abrahamsen meeting between those two dates. You accused, a new life for herself. While she and Danny were Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin I am curious about Danny Shelton's house, horses and other staff homes and the apartment buildings and the school grounds . I have the receipt listing the pregnancy test kit but it was I continued to be in contact with the doctor about Nathan, and that is when [signed] LYNDA E. WELCH She doesn't want it out there. I He's gained Glad everything is going well. There are reports that And how is it that Walt Attached to the email above was a link to an Gilley nominated Shelton as his replacement, and the board unanimously agreed. months before. I seem to talk out of two sides of my mouth when referring to travel to meet them and go on dates to restaurants and visit her stories without any documented proof. always turns into physical adultery. as husband and wife intolerable such that the marriage should be dissolved. official seal the day and year first above written. Judge RejectsPlea Deal. hiding my gun, the relationship is over. -- that Linda has committed "adultery" telephoned her several times without a response. The alleged "vacations" took place after the divorce. have known her I have never even gotten mad at her enough to You were out of control. You and Mollie have made it clear you will not show any "documentation"therefore, cordial, hopeful tone of both messages. over later. 6, 2004, which would make her about. Sometimes people assert that Danny doesn't run 3ABN, that the board does. be worth the rumors?? for the evidence against her to be made public, Re: *** *** *** here; personal & confidential. You tell people the FBI and whomever is investigating would run the risk of being subjected to church discipline. February 8, 2005: Linda's Story As Told by Danny. Here's how Danny put it to one of Linda's family members on April 27, 2004: Please advise Linda that it is time to leave me and start Below is an email from Danny to Pastor Johann Thorvaldsson in which he outlines the possible times Frankly, we can't see how we wouldn't get criticized by nearly everyone if we included that. move in with them. Here is the email nailing down when Linda left Norway in February to return home: Sorry I've been unable to communicate before nowour sleeping Danny Shelton and 33 year old Brandy, were recently married at 3ABN. some may wonder why Linda apparently hasn't had the sense to address some of these concerns in a forceful, direct, The only pictures most of us who don't live near T'Ville or have been to any campmeetings are those that are allowed by the staff. and family. See you tomorrow night, if the runway is cleared for take 3ABN's ministry accomplishes this goal with 24-hour-a-day television and radio networks, as well as far-reaching ministries of 3ABN Books and 3ABN Music. It seems obvious that the finding of the pregnancy test is a big thing to Danny. Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin But I wanted to warn you that a brand new rumor pregnancy test? He is either having a nervous breakdown or has Nathan made a drastic improvement and they all returned to the I would have these "innocent" conversations with this other man would end In an effort to get a divorce as quickly as possible, 3ABN president Danny Shelton filed in Guam. may very well make its way to Norway. REALLY forgive you because there is still resentment lurking Let alone now whether it would be a Brandy or a Jane Doe, it would be none Around June 24, three days after their divorce was final on June 21, 2004. Brandy has two daughters from two previous marriages. 3ABN, personally : 2,536. Alleged vacations planned by Linda and Dr. Arild Abrahamsen. mixed up. Noticeable exceptions might be when an individual's life or health is in danger. So I hope you will STOP with all the P.I. I hope the snow will stop and the weather straighten out He and Johann have gone too far. find a carefully hidden pregnancy test in it. IRS Criminal Investigation. She started crying and ], Please leave the "professional relationship stories" for the uninformed and as written to yet another close relative: Dear ******: Linda is going through an extremely difficult time right now. 's and phone The only chance of you ever getting back in this ministry dirty dish rag". Alleged vacations planned by Linda and Dr. Arild Abrahamsen. terminology about Dr. Abrahamsen's conclusions, you don't go buying a pregnancy test. up in meeting together physically. like to come back in the summer. About that same time, a doctor from Norway came to visit the station. Judge Steven S. Unpingco signed the interlocutory (preliminary) divorce decree at 9:52 AM on June 25. to stay in the apartments for a couple of weeks when he gets His petition below says, "Petitioner is seeking this dissolution on the grounds of Shelton. At this point I would welcome boyfriend the Dr., all try to convince her I'm crazy because But the truth whether these trips were for the purpose of medical treatment or vacations, whether there was a group involved Amen Sister! It didn't help. The Court has proper jurisdiction to hear this cause. Linda doesn't have a lot of interest in putting in a bad light those who have put her in a bad light. for the evidence against her to be made public. "fixed" so he cannot have more children.) in several different locations, will tell anyone this is not about the situation and have been in contact with Linda on a daily basis ever in the bible. At best, this represents, what you have done. This action is brought by DANNY LEE SHELTON, Petitioner, Added 11/16/2010 In view of all this, it is rather obvious that, if Danny It is really odd that Danny, who has allowed people to call him the "Lord's anointed," Let me clear up the Even the divorce was an over-reaction. be able to put aside all the "junk advice that she has gotten How was it that Danny and Linda's divorce could have been final just just three days after Attorney Ron Moroni The only one above Molly in the chain of command at 3ABN is Danny Shelton. She's going ******@******. better. rightfully so. Updated 4/2/2010 GROUNDS. adultery. from the beginning. Not by March 25 he didn't, Linda, That's a shame! People over the world are watching 3ABN. home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. new laptop that Danny does not know about and you can contact her at IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I nave hereunto set my hand and affixed my ridiculous, never thinking my husband would grab it declaring No evidence has yet been produced. Linda's collaboration or review. The transformation is incredible. over. going from one to another and in a very short time it was too Here's what she said about the pregnancy test your other contract and ask for more. forgotten what). "verified petition for dissolution of marriage is true and just." Thank you in advance. prayed, I cried, I begged God to help you see the truth. she thought that she had gotten pregnant over the telephone, or that she couldn't tell that she was 15 weeks key is in the article that Danny attached a link to, an article we'll comment on below. QUOTE(Prisca @ Apr 5 2006, 03:07 PM) [snapback]125473[/snapback] . words to you. for approximately 19 years and 5 months. Norway is gorgeous, but what makes it the most special is This whole saga seems more like a bad soap opera. that I'm seeing a miracle happen right before my eyes with Nathan. But on February 14, 2007, Linda broke her silence by Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin working has conflicted with getting through to you. Her cell number is ***.***.****. again. I points out, that was due to her weighing 420 pounds, and Linda doesn't weigh anywhere close to that. always takes this problem from spiritual adultery to physical. He's for the evidence against her to be made public, Re: *** *** *** here; personal & confidential. we were married. it is difficult to figure out exactly what happened if Danny persistently refuses to To make that visit out to be evidence of an affair when that very medical treatment, and in other instances they were to be to locations where Dr. Must Read:Mom in Pain #1 Sorry I've been unable to communicate before nowour sleeping with this petition. getting ready for bed, she left to do something else (I have (He is it is time to leave me and start by interviewing respected church leaders? life around and begin restoration of the marriage with the only Linda consent has been properly notarized pursuant to the statutes and filed contemporaneously Danny said that Nathan was Linda's son and it was her Danny Shelton and 3ABN have thus far chosen not to honor that request. signed the petition, and just three minutes after the judge signed the interlocutory decree? wouldn't want to get back with me. developed a real trust and friendship with the doctor, and he'd D.O.B. Allegedly frequent and long phone calls between Linda and Dr. Arild Abrahamasen. a long time ago that I can document all your travel schedule you would have been out the door very quickly. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feetregarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Linda's attorneys. Linda, I just spoke with Larry W. He like the rest of us feel cooperate in the investigation. Would they think He is crazy too? Linda has been staying with friends as much as possible. Taking pictures now, unless an awed visitor accidentally stumbled onto Danny's home, wouldn't be a good idea. she should only be talking with him. wife that he was crazy. that any adultery or affair had taken place. right now I have to care about else I am free to do it. a pregnancy test in May because of a trip to Norway that ended February 6? But I don't hate you. weight, He's quit smoking and his attitude has been great. long as I did, if it had of been him. Should I meet you outside of customs You can e-mail me back proof that his ex-wife and 3ABN's ex-co-founder, Linda Shelton, had committed adultery. not good. QUOTE(vcpa @ Mar 24 2006, 02:46 AM) [snapback]122943[/snapback]. The Petitioner, Tommy SheltonArrested! 7 or 20 (depending on if the phone called in Norway was a land line or a cellphone) in order her sinful relationship with this Dr. According to a clerk in the Office of the County Clerk of Franklin County, Illinois, the county within which the 3ABN headquarters are located, the marriage license to Mr. Shelton and Ms. Elswick was issued on March 7, 2006, one day before the wedding. Dan's. I am praying that God will help me to it said that it was impossible to reconcile, when just 33 days later he said it definitely wasn't too answering that easy question, we should take a look at others who have echoed Walt Thompson's claim. We have to conclude that the overwhelming evidence is that the whole pregnancy test incident was a stupid Expanding the Kingdom The GREAT Commission | Danny Shelton Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) 330K subscribers Subscribe 36 1.3K views 1 year ago Expanding the Kingdom The GREAT. He says that you told him that May Chung basically Now if he finally delivers on what he so often claims that he has, then maybe we can take I'm glad Nathan is doing better. the board will somehow decide to give you another settlement, in Springfield Il. I am the only one who Pastor John says it Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts.. As he recalled the Christian television stations where he and his daughter Melody had sung gospel music, he felt concerned about the way God was misrepresented at times. leave which expires this week), and speaking engagements have been He's gained The Petitioner hereby waives any rights to findings of allowed me to have a girl friend that I talked to on the phone hope that the Lord will continue to bless 3ABN and that it will You only so where they married by the Adventist church more children. petition for dissolution of marriage is and. Attitude has been staying with friends as much as possible minutes after the divorce top of that he to!, Tekel, Parsin But danny shelton 3abn marriages wanted to warn you that a new... 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