Lot 40: MB MCCLELLAN 329G18:R10427656, DOB 2/13/19 Atlanta Of Salacoa grandson out of a Resource daughter with great carcass & growth and lots of maternal, Top Top 10% Fert Index, 15% REA & Heifer Preg., 20% WW YW IMF & Term Index. Landmark sire with powerful phenotype, outlier muscle-shape and scale crushing performance. BW 72, Adj WW 666, Adj YW 1106 With our knowledge in the beef industry, we can help you analyze your cow herd's genetic foundation and suggest or recommend bulls that will compliment your breeding program and most likely generate your largest dollar return. Value does not meet the expected pattern. BW 67, Adj WW 574, Adj YW 1040 Lot 29: MB Banks 334G3: R10430621, DOB 12/17/19 Over the years we have worked closely with the LM to import their best genetics back here to Australia. Brangus cattle associations are also located in Canada, Mexico, Australia, Argentina, Central America, and parts of Africa. Submission is one of the top carcass sires in the country. To top it off Magna is out of a great cow 2834. Didn't find what you need? BW 68, Adj WW 502, Adj YW 1066 How Many Babies Do Hamsters Have In A Litter? 9 Brangus/Angus Plus Bulls. Lot 32: SAU 812M: R10405113, DOB Droughtmaster Cattle: Pictures, Origins, Characteristics, & More. Adds tons of bone, style & top. BW 74, Adj WW 660, Adj YW 1080, Lot 15 SAU 702L R10389786, DOB 1/19/17 With our knowledge in the beef industry, we can help you analyze your cow herd's genetic foundation and suggest or recommend bulls that will compliment your breeding program and most . Call Jerry at 830-391-4576 Posted. Growth bull with good maternal EPDs. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: International Brangus Breeders Association, PO Box 809, San Antonio, TX, 78263, US, https://gobrangus.com. Dont look to the stars, simply trust in STELLAR for his excellent all-around breeding traits. PBR Bulls - Past Decade; PRCA Bulls - Past 6 mo. BW 70, Adj WW 629, Adj YW 954 Genetically, registered Brangus cattle must be 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Angus. BW 63, Adj WW 563, Adj YW 1023 Sired by Three D 302A son, Calving ease bull with maternal and a clean underline. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. BW 77, Adj WW 640, Lot 29 SAU 512J, R10332927, DOB 2/16/15, BW 83, Adj WW 710, Lot 32 SAU 511J, R10332926, DOB 3/7/15, BW 78, Adj WW 660, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-bull-Arkansas-Lot-22.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-23.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-24.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-25.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-26.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-bull-Arkansas-Lot-27.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-28.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-29.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-30.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-32.mp4, http://arkansasbullsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Brangus-Bull-Arkansas-Lot-33.mp4. Breckenridge, TX 76424. Gentle comes to the bucket, if any questions call 678 618 5488 asking 2250.00 For sale is a brangus/ Hereford cross 2 year old bull. He ranks at the Top 15% of the Angus breed in weaning & yearling weights. They have sales in March, April, October and November. PJ Budler, a world renown cattle judge, takes us through his top Brangus Bull and how we compare to other countries at the Brangus National 2021.#BrangusNati. The effort to develop the Brangus cattle breed began as early as 1912. BW 67, Adj WW 620, Adj YW 980 Top 10% Birthweight 45% IMF 34cm scrotal Breed your . He scores in the Top 10% of the entire breed in Marbling. Brangus: 3.1: 14.9: 5.3: 12.9: Santa Gertrudis . Sired By Eldorado and out of a Trinity daughter, Calving ease Top 10% BW, 15% CED, 25% IMF, Lot 25: SAU 935G: R10432724, DOB 2/17/19 He has an elite birth to weaning & yearling spread and has tremendous phenotype. He is the sire of the $110,000 MC Boom Town 541F4, the $75,000 MC Big Tex 541F2 and the $17,000 BBCC Big Town 803E16, all sale toppers at Mound Creek and Salacoa Valley's Super American Sale. Whether found on a sprawling ranch or a small homestead, Brangus cattle offer some of the best value and productivity found in beef breeds. Sired by Griese 65B2, Calving ease with Maternal, Top 15% Milk, 25% CED, Lot 27: SAU 904G: R10432714, DOB 1/17/19 Lot 8: SAU 145J: 10467328, DOB 3/26/21 They are not only heat tolerant but continue to put on weight even in warm weather, unlike pure Angus cattle. It does not store any personal data. Northeast TX . Featured Image Credit: Black Brangus Bull (Image Credit: Brittag05, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0), Goldfish Aquaponics 101: Feeding, Stocking, & Care Guide, Why Chocolate Is Toxic To Dogs (Vet Answer). 0043 4257 29415 Shopping Cart. This guy has the performance to back it up. The Brangus cattle breed were specifically bred to produce the best qualities of both the Angus and Brahman cattle breeds. Ellis Cattle Co Red Lodge MT 01/11/2016 EXAR Monumental 6056B 18379347 . Lot 29 SAU 603K, R10347769, DOB 2/1/16 post. He is in the Top 1% of the breed in the following traits: Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, Rate Of Gain, DMI, Yearling Height, Scrotal, CW, Docility, MW, MH, $Weaning, $F & $Beef. BW 70, Adj WW 606, Adj YW 963 Dam is commercial Brangus. Pirate has made his presence well and truly felt in the interbreed show ring and with the pedigree of being out of one of our top donor cows going back on the sire side to the Brisbane RNA broad ribbon winner . Login . Bulls can generally begin siring calves by 18 months and continue until theyre at least 12 years old. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. For Sale: 1 Brangus Cross Bulls Price : CALL He is up to date with shots and worming. Dillinger has often been referred to as the "Michael Jordan" of the PBR and to this day holds the number one spot on the historical rankings of bucking bulls. While his calving ease is commendable and his massive appearance is worth appreciating, you will also find his structure very sound along with exceptional foot quality. March 1, 2023, at 11:08 a.m. CL. They are easy to raise and manage because of their mellow temperament and lack of horns. All heifers are confirmed 30 days bred by blood test on February 22nd. By operating three different ranches, GENETRUST is able to acclimate bulls to differing eco-environments. Monday-Friday 9 am to 11 pm Freeman Williams, Portland, 3,249 (1974-78). He will sire those scale crushing calves and still keep cows moderate, you will want to keep every daughter back as a replacement. Female Brangus are excellent mothers who produce plenty of milk for their calves. Sired by a CCC Infocus son, Calving ease bull, with a CED in the Top 25% of the breed and a -.2 BW EPD. Sired by Louisiana Purchase, Top 30% WW & RE, SF Brickhouse 909D9: Sire of Lots 28 & 29, Lot 28: JMP Brickhouse 55G:R10407786, DOB 1/15/19 Bull prices have increased by 70 to 80 per cent between 2018 and 2022. $6,000 hide Brangus Bull ~1900 lbs. They are AI bred to a top genetic Black Wagyu bull (Yasufuku Yama). Lot 20: JMP THREE D 404F4: UB10405378, DOB 10/21/18, Ultrablack Blackwater Cattle Co. is a registered and commercial Brangus cattle operation located in Lake Park, Ga. BW 67, Adj WW 574, Adj YW 1040 Now, she is excited to share her hard-earned knowledge (literally--she has scars) with our readers. Take advantage of an enormous opportunity with MAGNITUDELEARN MORE BUY HERE. MC Profit son and out of a Jethro daughter, Growth & Carcass bull, 761# Adj. KR Rally is the $60,000 feature of the record-setting 2018 Krebs Ranch bull sale and is considered by many to be the greatest son of Tundra produced to date. Brickhouse son out of a Black Rock daughter, Growth & Production bull, Top 15% WW, 20% YW & TI, Lot 29: JMP Brickhouse 437G:UB10407780, DOB 1/17/19, Ultrablack The two good quality beef cattle breeds are bred to obtain Brangus cattle. Use the Next or Previous buttons to navigate between slides. Top Sires is an independently owned semencompany, built to supply only the elite genetics to the beef industry, especially the show steer and heifer market. 10 Reg. for sale. 2/2 . Lot 31: SAU 811M: R10405129, DOB Brangus beef is often premium grade and doesnt contain excessive fat. Lot 16: MB Bottom Line 406J3: 10507345, DOB 4/10/21 Discounts for orders of more than 25 units are as follows: 26 - 75: -5%. $1,200.00 Main Event 59C10 son, Calving ease bull with moderate growth & carcass EPDs. Lot 30: MB Profit 889G2: 10419509, DOB 9/16/19 View sales page for the catalog and more informaiton! Sunday 8 pm to 11 pm. Lot 24: SAU 913G: R10432719, DOB 1/25/19 Comparing numbers of cattle, all cattle and calves totaled 103 million head on July 1st, 2020, slightly above the similar inventory of 102.9 million head of cattle recorded on July 1st, 2019. 1994. Ultrablack Bull, Embryo Transfer (ET) Flush mate (Full Brother) to Lot 22, when the expected yearling weight of the Simmental bull offspring will surpass the Limousin bull offspring by almost 40 lb. Wynne Ranch is one of the first Registered . Top 25 Sires For Registration Fiscal Year 2020 . Top 10 Angus Sires | SIRE BUYER OUR CURRENT TOP SELLERS 1 SITZ RESILIENT The high selling bull at Sitz Angus Ranch. He has an elite birth to weaning & yearling spread and has tremendous phenotype. TRUE NORTH is a well-rounded, maternally oriented sire and one of the top angus bulls with super phenotype and calving ease. BW 78, Adj WW 645, Adj YW 950, Lot 22: SAU 705L, R10389788, DOB 1/25/17 He is ultra-thick, stout, rugged built, heavy muscled and bred to be that way. The breed is naturally hornless, with loose skin folds on the neck and belly area. BW , Adj. BW 72, Adj WW 660, Adj YW 1160 Look as his growth 72 lbs. The Brangus breed was developed in the 1930s and 1940s by crossing Brahman and Angus cattle. A Curve bending sire with elite EPDs and performance. Brangus cattle also offer a good milk yield for beef cows, offering the potential for an additional income source. Keep in mind he is still a youngster and will be rising 19 1/2 months at sale time. Lot 36: MB CLIFTON 129G15: R10416416, DOB 4/29/19 Number of Head: 4. (N) = National Shows; (R) = Regional Shows. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The next Brangus outfit to make Seedstock 100 was GENETRUST. Lot 28: MB Marshall 15E3 B, R10362739, DOB 3/29/17 Florida, Inc., located in Fairmont, Ga., Salacoa focuses on breeding high-quality Brangus cattle. But what is it about Wagyu beef that has caused such a stir? BW 71, Adj WW 526, ADJ YW 885 United States. ABS Globals strong lineup has proudly featured thebest-selling bullsin theAngus breedfor 22 of the last 29 years based on registrations through the American Angus Association. Lot 21: SAU 135J:10467308, DOB 3/6/21 Sired by BWCC Big Town 192B16 and out of a Three D daughter, Great combination bull with outstanding EPDs across the board, Top 4% Heifer Preg, 10% Total Maternal, 15% WW & REA, 20% YW Milk Term & Fert. BW 66, Adj WW 543, Adj YW 1021 Sired by DMR The Chairman 415A11, Lot 24: SAU 727L, R10389793, DOB 2/11/17 Please fix them before continuing. [ctct form="19384"] By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: International Brangus Breeders Association, PO Box 809, San Antonio, TX, 78263, US, https://gobrangus.com. Introducing Spur D125. (Trait expressed in Gelbvieh and Simmental breed associations.) birth weight and 660 lbs. BW 77, Adj WW 452, Adj YW 825 for sale. Embryo transfer calf out of a half sister to Yosemite, Low birthweight bull could use on heifers, Excellent carcass traits. LEARN MORE BUY HERE. He is also an elite bull with maternal valuebacked by strong docility, high foot quality and Heifer Pregnancy. $3,500.00 Bulls for sale: 1 - Commercial Brangus Bull - Texas 2 year old Commercial Brangus Bull. S A V Achilles 8886 is a landmark sire with powerful phenotype, outlier muscle-shape and scale crushing performance. BW 71, Adj WW 533, Adj YW 936 A pure Brangus which is eligible for registration is 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Angus. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply, We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, and personalize content. TAOS, New Mexico (Reuters) - Nineteen feral cattle have been shot from a . Spur is an EPD machine. Because of their versatility and toughness, Brangus are one of the most popular beef cattle breeds. Calving ease bull with maternal, 68# Birth weight with above average CED & BW EPDs, Top 15% Milk. all. A real dollars in your pocket herd sire. Early cattle served a triple-purpose. WW 755, Adj YW 1177 1/2 brother to Lot 33 Lot 26: SAU 938G: R10432726, DOB 2/22/19 Tap into proven productivity with Easy Riders double bred Right Time 338 pedigree. . CLVR EL TORO 23C2: Sire of Lots Lot 13: MB TORO 535J9: R10507351, DOB 4/18/21 BW 63, Adj WW 563, Adj YW 1023 Dont wait, choose TRUE NORTH to help create a heifer designed for longevity and see great genetic progress. As a premier Brangus Breeder we have to source the best genetics from around the world. Genetics Inc Mexico MO 01/13/2014 Jindra Acclaim 17972810 4,306 Jindra, Nick Clarkson NE Macholan Angus Linwood NE 10/31/2013 BUBS Southern Charm AA31 17853196 3,511 Bub Ranch LLC Koshkonong MO Sitz Angus Farm Dillon MT . Mature females weigh around 1,100 to 1,200 pounds. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They are particularly good foragers when kept on grass. J., G. Banos, and T. Arnason. . Bulls/ Texas 9 Reg. Bulls mature by two years of age and are ready to go into service by 18 months. BW 67, Adj WW 560, Adj YW 980 Lot 15: MB Revelation 586J3: 10507354, DOB 3/16/21 Brahman influence is displayed with medium to large ears, slightly loose skin with folds about the neck, and a moderate hump at the neck in bulls. Look forward to doing more business with them in the future for sure! Take a look at our bulls and then consider their success compared to other cattle that are promoted today. He combines tremendous base width and muscle with exceptional substance, rib shape, and length of body. san antonio for sale "brangus" - craigslist. He has outstanding phenotype, super clean fronted & moves with ease. They are often crossed with other types of cattle in hopes of introducing the hardiness and meat-producing abilities of the Brangus to other breeds. BW 71, Adj WW 660, Adj YW 1045 Big Iron has impeccable feet structure. 205 Likes, 10 Comments - Buzos personalizados (@naty_shop00) on Instagram: "Conjunto jogger + Crop Top #joggers #croptops #bulls #personalizados. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. BW 67, Adj WW 539, Adj YW 1029 BW 75, Adj WW 476, Adj YW 788 Use the search! His Marbling score ranks in the Top 15% and his Ribeye comes in at a steady 40%. He brings economic merit with performance traits & a $Beef index in the Top 1% of the Angus breed. Byergo Titan 8470 is an elite breeding prospect for cattleman across the country. They provided meat, milk and labor to their owners. Use Titan to add EPDs, extension and pounds. Search our database of over 12264 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Brangus Bull in the Arkansas Bull Sale 2019, Lot 21: SAU 704L, R10389787, DOB 1/24/17 32nd Annual Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale & Southwest Ranch Horse Sale Females sell at 11:00 am Bulls sell at 1:00 pm Horses sell immediately after the bulls Roswell Livestock Auction. Seller Contact Information. 9BN12 SUHN'S FINAL CUT 416F13 7RB5 TRIO'S BALCO ZOLTAR 175Z2 7BN7 BWCC CRUISE 107B3 7BN6 SANKEYS ELIJAH 108A 7BN4 SCC ROBERTS PASSPORT 409U3 7BN10 SUHN'S BLUESTEM 331E40 Breed Brangus Code Number Name Filter by EPD Birth Weight (BW): -0.70 2.60 Weaning Weight (WW): 15.00 39.00 Yearling Weight (YW): 32.00 67.00 A fan favorite on display both at the National Western Stock Show and at ORIgen, he is a stout made bull with excellent muscle shape and substance. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Lot 35: MB NEVER SURRENDER 17G8: R10416429, DOB 4/21/19 Sired by Csonka, Growth bull with moderate EPDs, Thick muscled well balanced bull with lots of bone and a clean sheath. Brangus cattle have medium-large droopy ears and bulls possess a moderate-sized hump. Check out this industry changing sire prospect! He stamps progeny with eye appeal, sound structure, perfect balance, base width, depth, and thickness. BW 71, Adj WW 571, Adj YW 961 March 17, 2023 Female Sale 4:30 PM. LEARN MORE BUY HERE. 8 by Boston in 1978 and played seven seasons in NBA. Calhoun, GA 30701. The first Brangus breeder association was formed in 1949 when breeders from Canada and 16 U.S. states met to formalize their new breed. Stems back to Lead Gun Of Brinks on top and bottom, Calving ease bull with outstanding growth and great maternal, Top 10% YW & Heifer Preg, 15% WW & TM, 20% CED & Term Index. He is. Lot 22: JMP THREE D 5729F:R10405762, DOB 11/14/18 Controversial U.S. Cull Kills 19 Feral Cattle in New Mexico Wilderness Area. BW 65, Adj WW 630, Adj YW 945 Central TX Listing Number 301C949 Location Central Texas Ship From Mexia TX Map- Freight/Distance Calculator Breed Brangus Registered? BW , Adj. To find more information on Blackwater Cattle Co. go to bwcattle.com. Headquartered in DeForest, Wisconsin, ABS Global is the world leader in bovine genetics, reproduction services and technologies. Calving ease with maternal above average CED & BE EPDs and Top 5% Milk, 25% Total Maternal, Sired by DMR The Chairman son. BW 73, Adj WW 521, Adj YW 903 Combination bull with above average EPDs for calving ease, growth, carcass & maternal, Three D 302A grandson out of a MC John Wayne daughter. 10332 Martin Ln. BW 76, Adj WW 516, Adj YW 854 BEEF magazines Seedstock 100 is a listing of the top seedstock producers in the beef industry. 44 Farms, located in Cameron, Texas, and owned by Bob McClaren, ranked 5th on the list. Their proven reputation for calving ease and maternal design makes Angus a mainstay for commercial,high-quality beefproduction in the U.S. and many parts of the globe. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet.
Breed: Brangus. Sired by Brickhouse, with Top growth & carcass EPDs Top 10% WW YW IMF & TI, Lot 17: JMP BRICKHOUSE 890G: R10408704, DOB 1/25/19 While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Lot 31: MB Yosemite 99E9, R10362787, DOB 4/10/17 Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Angus Embryos For Sale: S A V Emblynette 3568, Red Angus Semen For Sale: Package JA10-132. Join Us at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo! The genetics of Town Creek Farm are based off of the Cow Creek Ranch line. 1/2 Brother to Lot 26 BW 64, WW512, YW 980, Lot 34 SAU 628K, R10347785, DOB 3/17/16 These cattle are heavy and a Brangus bull may weigh up to 900 kg while a Brangus cow may weigh up to 500 kg. The color of these cattle available is either completely red or completely black. farm & garden 35; wanted 1 + show 43 . This operation sold 1,295 bulls last year, according to BEEF Magazine. Born at 78 lbs and weight an astounding 914 lbs at weaning with a yearling weight of 1578 lbs. Lot 12 SAU 808M, R10405127,DOB 1/22/18 , at 11:08 a.m. CL 44 Farms, located in Cameron, Texas, and owned by Bob McClaren ranked... Bw 75, Adj WW 526, Adj YW 961 March 17, 2023 female sale pm. Bred by blood test on February 22nd + Show 43 milk for their calves good. In the category `` other 70, Adj YW 954 Genetically, registered Brangus breed..., at 11:08 a.m. CL 129G15: R10416416, DOB 4/29/19 Number of:... 1,295 bulls last year, according to beef Magazine they have sales in March, April, and. Uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet cattle medium-large... Make Seedstock 100 was GENETRUST association was formed in 1949 when breeders Canada! Are particularly good foragers when kept on grass plenty of milk for their calves 15 % milk calving. He scores in the top Angus bulls with super phenotype and calving ease bull with maternal valuebacked by docility! Bw 72, Adj WW 526, Adj WW 502, Adj WW 533, Adj WW 660 Adj. Magnitudelearn more BUY HERE ( Reuters ) - top 10 brangus bulls feral cattle have droopy! 22: JMP three D 5729F: R10405762, DOB 2/1/16 post source the best genetics from around the.... Advantage of an enormous opportunity with MAGNITUDELEARN more BUY HERE from Canada and 16 U.S. States to. Dob Brangus beef is often premium grade and doesnt contain excessive fat of Creek., and thickness with MAGNITUDELEARN more BUY HERE 1160 look as his growth 72 lbs Droughtmaster. The world 2/1/16 post uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not classified. Have in a Litter to make Seedstock 100 was GENETRUST 629, Adj 1066... & moves with ease are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet 59C10 son calving. 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